Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Tally: Second Installment

Being that I have a gift for and a love of judgment, I have decided to do the world a favor and answer the question once and for all: are the French really assholes?

And today's encounter with the lady at the Denfert-Rochereau station brings us to...


Of course, to be fair, I have encountered many neutral-to-lovely French people between now and when I recorded my encounter with our waiter in Orsay, especially the native Parisians at the American Church in Paris.  But I've decided to only record incidents with the French people I meet out and around the city that really stand out as particularly pleasant or heinous.  And Denfert lady definitely falls into the latter category.

AH and I ventured to Denfert today to get our Navigo passes (public transit passes that you purchase on a monthly or yearly basis).  Although this lady spoke little English, AH did admirably, and the transaction went fairly smoothly.  But as we filled out paperwork, quite a queue built up behind us.  When we were almost finished, a gentleman asked how long it normally takes to get a pass.  The woman, who'd been not unpleasant up until this point, replies (haughtily in French), "Not long, unless you only speak English."

Salope, síl te plais.

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