Friday, October 28, 2011

Bow Chicka Bow Wow

So, you have a choice.  For this week's post, I can either whine about the prefecture and the types of requirements that make me feel like I must produce both the chicken and the egg simultaneously...


food porn.

I'll give you a second to decide.

Ok, food porn it is!
I think you made the right choice.

Last weekend, Tour Guide Barbie popped up from Tours for the day to accompany us to Paris' annual Salon du Chocolat.  As a friend remarked, "Only in Paris would they be able to fill an entire expo center with chocolate and sweets vendors." And fill they did.  Here are the highlights:

Two words: free samples.  AH, TGB and I easily ate enough chocolate to cover our 12 euro ticket, and also to count for several day's caloric intake.  And yes, that is just a giant block of dark chocolate that that man is chipping shavings off of and distributing.

The creativity that was evident in the different chocolate creations.  Dude, I can't eat chocolate Easter Bunnies because they're too darn cute; how am I supposed to eat Krush here?  Speaking of creativity...

There was a CHOCOLATE FASHION SHOW (at which we were clearly not in the front row, but hey, you get the idea).  Seeing those costumes up close afterwards (after my phone/camera battery had died, alas), I can attest that the swan does appear to be made mostly from chocolate.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to eat it, wear it, or cast it in my Bird Soap Opera.

Huzzah!  "Vegetables" that I will eat.  Side note, it never ceases to amaze me that I was a successful vegetarian for several years before moving to France, seeing as how my diet now is mostly meat, bread, cheese and chocolate.

It's true; France is just one giant 13-year-old boy.

And finally, just in case we forgot where we are...
Lavender: check.  Striped shirt: check.  Berets (plural!): check.  Man in loopy scarf: check.  Chocolate: check.  PDA and haughty expressions: check.  French flag (top left, most of it got cut off): check.  You know, just in case you thought that you'd fallen into a chocolate covered worm-hole and ended up in South Dakota.

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